Monday, February 25, 2013


Early one morning we walked around a small lake called Black Dragon Pool and enjoyed the picturesque walkways past  temples and pagodas. This walk was so beautiful in winter; can't imagine how breathtaking it would be in spring/summer!

Next we traveled to a small village of the Naxi people, called Shuhe. Here is the alphabet of their language painted on the wall at the entrance to the village.

We heard the women are in charge here. That seems to mean that they do all the work, from growing the food, to cooking, to hauling and laying bricks, and so on and so forth. Here's the women:


washing clothes

scraping the skins


even the old women were working
And here's the men:

 We were lucky to come across a young couple getting their wedding pictures taken:

Later we  realized that all the food preparations we had seen were for the wedding feast. Soon the whole community started gravitating to an open courtyard for a celebration. They let us know we were not invited!

Doesn't this old gentleman look like a pillar of the community?He's on his way to the wedding feast.

More in the next blog...

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