I've been to some dusty, dark old museums before, but this was not one of them. The building was beautiful; the displays were well lit, and the artifacts so impressive. There were four floors with several rooms and each room had it's own theme. I have included just 1-2 objects from each room. Wish you could have been there for the whole tour.
Cool Masks
Intricate Tapestries
Typical dress of minority groups
This was fascinating because it was made of something cool - like lizard or fish - but now I can't remember.
Mask stitched onto funerary cloth
Elaborate headgear

Marble furniture
Gorgeous wood furniture
Beautiful porcelain
Can you guess the purpose of this one?
It's a chamber pot!
Three more to guess:
Yep! Three very hard, very high pillows!
Another great design!
Cool statuary!
A Bell
Guess what these are. Not knives - money! And I guess that enough to give you an idea of this amazing museum!
The End
Very cool, Mom!