Sunday, January 6, 2013

Adventure #3

Adventure #3 has to be coming home from the previous adventure, opening my door, and having smoke come billowing out. I had left a pot of chicken/stock cooking for chicken soup. And I was so sure I had turned it off! Oh, dear! Joan and Dale smelled the smoke and came to check on me. They took the pot out onto their balcony. I opened all my windows for a few hours. Another neighbor loaned me a fan. By 11:00 most of the smoke was gone, tho the smell remained and is still there after 2 days. I left everything open for the four hours we were at Church on Sunday, too. It was so cold (20-25 F), it took the rest of the day to warm the place up. The smell is getting better.  Too bad I didn't think to get a picture. But at that point I was so mad I didn't think I'd be sharing this event. Now it's just a funny story.
My brother Scott just sent me a quote: Humor is just emotional chaos remembered from a safe distance.

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