Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It was in April that I had my first panic attacks. It happened when I was previewing the coursework for the two weeks of training at BYU. I thought, "I'm not a university professor! I'm a first grade teacher. What do I know about creating a course syllabus for college students?" I really began to doubt I myself and it paralyzed me. I couldn't move forward. I have a motto "I can panic or I can pray" so I began to pray and gradually I could breathe again. I did some yoga exercises and that also calmed my mind. A scripture also came to my mind, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." OK, I'm better now. I won't bail yet. Now when these fears start to creep in, I also remember the advice of my brother Scott - "One step at a time and enjoy the process."


  1. Keep calm and carry on, right?! Also my mantra- "a lot of people dumber than me have done this..."

  2. haha carrie, you told me that before i moved out to college. i was skeptical (this is COLLEGE!), but it worked. and you were so right. there are dumb people in college.
