Sunday, August 19, 2012

APRIL: Wow! I received a contract! Well, a temporary, draft contract. But it made it more real. I have a few more hurtles to go through before I sign the real thing. To teach at Qingdao University, I had to fill out two more applications and take & pass a series of three timed tests: Behavioral Style (What would you do if a student began making a disturbance?) Basic Knowledge (What is a favorite treat at a Chinese birthday party?) and a Writing Test (Write a 250 word essay on Technology in 15 min). April was also the month I began getting my immunization shots: Hep A & B, Typhoid, TB chest xray,pneumonia, shingles and a couple of boosters. I also went up to visit Claire & Gordon for Easter weekend. We hiked and picnicked by a beautiful, rushing river. One highlight of the weekend was exploring the old gold rush town of Downieville and seeing the Banff film festival.

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