Sunday, October 21, 2012

Village Tour

Selling raisins and nuts

Colorful bedrooms

 We took a bus ride out to a little village by Tarpan. Can't even remember it's name, but I loved it. Parts of it looked like the ancient city ruins that we'd explored, but people still lived here. We were allowed to walk the dusty roads, poke our heads into their homes, and wonder at the simplicity of their lives. These families grow grapes and dry most of them into raisins. It is extremely hot in the summer, so often their beds are on the roof to take advantage of any passing breeze. Hey, we did that too, but on our deck!

Grandma watching the kids while the parents are working.
Learning to drive.
Hey! Somebody is home!

Some beautiful doors

These buildings were for drying grapes and were all over the hills.
A peek into a couple more doorways.

Two car garage