Sunday, July 15, 2012

MARCH: I read the China Teachers' Handbook preparing for my interview. Then I reread it and read it again. I read the CIA nations report, and also continued to read my books on China. The phone interview with the program directors, Midge and Kirk, went very well, but was strange in a way. They asked me a few personal questions about me and my family. Then they took turns telling me about life in China. No questions about why I wanted to go or what I could contribute, or anything to distinguish myself from the other candidates. I said very little. It was more like a briefing. They said there were more applications than positions, so I supposed I shouldn't get my hopes up yet. But shortly there after, I got the 'Congratulations' letter, telling me my application had been sent to China! I was briefly excited, but then read that now the Chinese university had to accept my application and would notify me. (Suspended Animation) About two weeks later I got a positive response back from China! Qingdao University had a position for me! Hurray! I quickly got my passport renewed and faxed to BYU.
FEBRUARY: I applied for an expedited renewal of my passport, because I got an email from BYU saying they needed it asap. That sounds encouraging, right? But no mention of my application, so I just keep hoping. I flew out to visit Carrie & family in Atlanta, Georgia. Theo and I took long walks while Carrie worked in the ER. Lucy and I enjoyed cooking dinner and playing the piano together. We went to a couple of great restaurants serving authentic Southern/everything fried cooking. Mmmm, delicious! Then for contrast and exposure with Chinese food, we tried a Dim Sum restaurant. I liked it a lot! I watched BBC Languages/Chinese and tried to pick up a few words and phrases. Whew! This might be hard. On my last day Carrie and I took a tour through Atlanta CNN headquarters. Fascinating to watch the whole news process unfold. I got a call scheduling an interview. Aahhh, I'm nervous!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Weekend with Rachel

Even before hearing anything official about my application, I decided I needed to go visit each of my girls and their families before I left. I was anxiously waiting to hear, but still moving forward assuming that I was going. In January I spent a fun weekend with Rachel, which included eating Ethiopian food and sushi, watching the movie "War Horse", touring the Empire gold mine, and a shopping spree at Goodwill. Then on Monday Claire and Gordon joined us for an invigorating hike in a nearby canyon.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

January 2012

JANUARY: Filled out and sent in application. Then started the agonizing waiting game. When will I hear if I've been chosen for an interview? While waiting, I become obsessed with learning all I can about China. I read and reread the program handbook. I check out books from the library and order six more. I snag a National Geographic on China from Dr. Rinker's office. I regularly visit youtube for anything Chinese.  
Application photo


People ask me "Why did you choose to go to China?" I didn't go looking for this; it came to me - in an article in the Church News/Dec issue. As I read I thought, "This sounds like me. I want to do this!"  Retired/bachelors degree/good emotional and physical health/no dependent children. When I read "must be 65 or younger," and "applications due Jan 31," I knew I better decide quickly. After getting the OK from Dad and Sarah, I went full speed ahead. This original spark of interest quickly became a flame, and shows no sign of cooling off.