Sunday, May 12, 2013

Suzhou - "Venice of the East"

Usually on our trips we stay in lovely, but regular hi-rise hotels. Sometimes we're lucky and get to stay in a more traditional Chinese hotel with the rooms built around a courtyard with views like this:

Suzhou rivals Hangzhou as "Paradise on earth." We visited another expansive residence, with exquisite courtyard. I love the idea of bringing nature inside through these decorative windows.

 Beautiful furnishings in the home of this wealthy man.

Center frame is not a picture but a window

The wealthy used slices of marble as artwork, sometimes depicting the feel of nature.

The courtyard and gardens:

Suzhou Pt 2

Scenes from our boat ride through the canal ways in the city of Suzhou, known as the Venice of China.

Another beautiful garden town

Our happy boatman

A wistful face through the wall

And one more cute face at the airport

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

For Bonsai Lovers

These are the work of a master gardener. Just a few of my favorites from many others:

The Master Gardener

Hangzhou Pt. 2

A boat trip thru the water streets of Hangzhou.

My friend Kris

Street cleaner/Litter removal
 Some of the picturesque sights in this very old part of the city:

Some of the delightful people we waved to as we floated by:

 Back to the regular tourist streets:

Young love

Chinese pancake

Holiday crowd

Lantern store